Posts related to organizing.
Hobby Blogging and Using Monthly Planners for Planning Blog Content
After a year of hobby blogging about everything from self-care and family life to organization and planners, it was time to talk about how to plan out blog posts. This article explains how to use a simple monthly planner to keep up with creating content and posting blog articles, whether you blog for business or just for yourself.
Decoding Basic Planner Terms: Part II
This week's article picks up where last week's left off- by defining and explaining various planner terms. From specialty planners to accessories, this post should be helpful to anyone interested in learning more about planners and their many features.
Planning During Tough Times: What to do with your planners and goals during difficult seasons
When we are navigating difficult seasons, it can be hard to figure out what to do with the planners we have purchased and the goals we had set. This article explores the ways we can use our planners to help us find comfort during and eventually move forward from difficult times.
8 Steps for an Effective Mid-Year Goals Review (And Tools to Make It Fun!)
We're a little over the half-way point for the year, and that means it'a great time to check in with our goals. Included in this post, you'll find 8 steps for doing your own mid-year goals review along with a list of fun and practical supplies to keep you motivated.
Resource Roundup! The Ultimate Guide to Finding Black-Owned Planner and Planner Product Companies
After the events of the past few weeks, many people are asking how we can be better allies to our Black neighbors. One way is to support Black-owned businesses. And, with the many Black-owned planner and planner accessory shops on the market, there are a lot of options when it comes to buying Black. Read on for ways to find Black-owned planner shops along with a few recommendations based on ones I have found.
Planner Review: The Girls Goal Planner by Cultivate What Matters
After using a Cultivate What Matters PowerSheets Goal Setting Planner for the past few years, I was thrilled to learn that Cultivate had developed a planner for a younger audience. Read on for a review of the innovative Girls Goal Planner and some suggestions for supplies that will get your young planner excited to set some goals!
Week 10 of Quarantine- How to Refocus and Reset Goals: 10 Action Items that Work
Yup- we're talking about goals again. This time, let's get down to the heart of the matter- you're struggling with setting goals or feeling unmotivated to work on them. Why? You lack focus. During this very unsettling time, it's no wonder so many of us feel scattered. Read on for ways to center yourself so you can effectively focus on goals that will help you through this uncertain time.
Quarantine Update- Week 7 of the #StayAtHomeChallenge: How an Organized Mind Creates a Hopeful Heart
We have pretty much been cooped up in our home for the past 7 weeks, and there is a big temptation to just let chaos take over. It's not like company is coming over any time soon. That said, there is something to be said for the positive vibes we get from have our space and minds clutter-free. This week's post explores the connection between organization and a hopeful perspective.
Coronavirus Update- Week 1 of the #StayAtHomeChallenge (And the Story of How We Survived the Bug Invasion of 2020)
We are hunkering down and staying at home while we try to do our part in slowing down the spread of the novel coronavirus. Here is how our first week of homeschooling and teleworking went, complete with a story of how we narrowly survived a bug invasion.
“Calm in the Time of Corona: A Website Roundup to Ease Your Mind”
In the midst of a global coronavirus pandemic, when our anxiety is on the rise, it's important to get good information and focus on positive ways to spend our time. Read on for a roundup of reliable websites about the pandemic and how to prepare for it as well as some suggestions about how to stay calm and care for ourselves and our families.