My Top 10 Favorite Craft Supplies
March is National Crafting Month, and I could not let the month go by without recognizing it. I have tons of craft supplies but, the top 10 featured here are ones that I find essential to my creative projects. This article, therefore, is an ode to craft supplies- my favorite ones, at least. Read on for descriptions and links to these items, which help me unwind, relax, and create.
11 Ideas for Setting Meaningful Intentions for Your Journals
Are there notebooks, sketchbooks or journals you have lying around that you'd like to put to use but are not sure what to do with? Perhaps you have so many ideas for a journal, it's overwhelming to think about how it might best serve you? Setting an intention for your journal is an excellent way to decide on the purpose your journal will serve and focus on ways to use the book that are most meaningful to you. In this article, you'll find 11 ideas for setting intentions for your journals that will hopefully inspire you to work in them all year long.
My 2022 Journal Lineup
Another lineup for 2022- this time of the many journals I plan to use this year. Journaling has taken off lately as more than just a way to document the passage of time. They can be used to brainstorm, reflect on life, and express our creativity. If you are curious about how to use multiple journals or just want to see several examples of journals used in different ways, this post should be helpful.
Lettering Ideas if You Hate Your Own Handwriting
Journaling, especially creative journaling can be such a fun stress reliever. You get to play with paper, stickers, inks, and paints. But, if you hate your own handwriting, that can easily take out some of the fun and satisfaction of creating otherwise beautiful pages. In this post, there are some lettering solutions for those of us who could use a hand in the handwriting department. Check out these 12 ideas for sprucing up the lettering on your pages and even improving your own handwriting.
Evolution of a Hobby: Confessions of a Former Scrapbook Junkie
National Scrapbook day has come and gone, and it marked yet another year that I have not participated in this hobby. Sometimes our hobbies are our passions, filling up our free time with joyful activities. But, when life changes and the hobby no longer suits our needs, we can let it evolve into other pursuits that are just as satisfying. In this tell-all article, I describe how my scrapbooking obsession gave way to more easy-to-manage hobbies that allow me to feel that same joy I felt when I was scrapping.