Resource Roundup Part 2! Even More Black and Minority-Owned Planner and Stationery Shops
With the holidays around the corner, many of us are looking for convenient and safe ways to do our holiday shopping this year. And, there’s no better place to find items than on online shops.
As I noted in my first Resource Roundup back in the summer, I figured I had just scratched the surface when it came to finding minority-owned stationery and planner shops. I was right.
I have continued to research and find as many sites as I can, and this time I expanded my search to include shops owned by Black women as well as other minority women. With small businesses needing a boost, I felt it would be helpful to encourage readers to not only go back to my first article, but also consider some new shops.
Below are some online stores and shops I recently found that sell planners, planner accessories, stationery, and other items. I start with traditional planner shops, since we are getting close to the New Year when lots of folks buy calendar-year planners, and then list some companies selling specialty planners, and other shops that sell planner and stationery products.
Check them out and see if you can help some smaller businesses this season (some I saw were having Black Friday sales this week). And, of course, remember to check out my first article for more shopping options.
(Please note that I am not affiliated with any of the shops below. They are listed in no particular order or preference.)

Table of Contents
Traditional Planners and Binders
Paper Penguin Co. You can also find this shop on Etsy. I have recently purchased from this Etsy planner shop, which specializes in making travelers notebook inserts in a variety of sizes. I am particularly thrilled with their selection of notebooks featuring Tomoe River Paper- the thin paper found in Japanese planners. The paper can take a variety of writing media, from fountain pen to watercolor paint. These notebook inserts are really affordable and also come in varieties such as monthly planners, financial notebooks, and specialty notebooks. They are on Instagram (“IG”) @paperpenguinco.
Planned and Proper. This planner company, founded by Shea Bailey, has beautiful, single coil -bound planners called the “Simply Yours Day Planner.” They sell both 12 and 18-month planners (which you might recall from this post on 16, 17, and 18-month planners is great for long-term planning). They come in daily and weekly designs, with the weekly layouts in both vertical hourly and horizontal layouts. All of the covers are made of sturdy chipboard with beautiful, sophisticated designs. The company announced it will soon be adding planner accessories to its product list, including “[v]egan leather planner covers, pens, & planner stickers.” See their IG @plannedandproper.
Arrivista Planner. These gorgeous planners, which feature colorful and rich Ghanaian print designs, are hardcover, book-bound planners. They are weekly, calendar-year, 12-month planners with monthly spreads and horizontal weekly spreads. They come in three vibrant color designs and include a goal-setting guide, quotes, a pocket in the inside cover, lay-flat binding, and ribbon page markers. They are stunning planners. See them on IG- @arrivistaplanner.
Goosby Twins. When I wrote my first Resource Roundup, these planner designers (lovely twin sisters) had a Kickstarter for their planner company, and it has taken off since then. They sell both dated (12-month calendar year) and undated (12-month), single coil-bound planners in a variety of gorgeous covers. These are weekly planners that have both monthly and vertical weekly spreads. There are also planning pages for monthly expenses and special occasions. In addition to planners, the company also has a range of planner accessories such as interchangeable covers for their planners (some of which can be customized), sticker kits, and notebooks. Their anti-racism themes are beautiful and inspiring. Check out their IG – @goosbytwinplann.
Sister Sister Planners. They make beautiful, luxury A5 ring-bound planner covers in genuine and vegan leather varieties. Follow them at @sistersisterplanners.
Drip Rich Styles. This company makes beautiful and affordable A5 ring-bound planner covers in a checkered design. You cannot beat the prices of these beautiful planner binders. And, they sell accessories and inserts including functional stickers, page flags, decorative vellum dashboards and dividers, and budgeting planner packs. Follow their IG- @driprichstylesandco.
Exquis Creations. This store sells sticker kits, dividers, dashboards, planner inserts, and sticker books in various themes including general planning, budgeting, and faith planning. There is an entire section of free printables, and during the year, there are several times you can pre-order their 6-ring binder agenda covers. Find them on IG @exquiscreation.
Tori Artis Planner. This company sells unique and colorful, single coil-bound weekly planners. They have a variety of planner covers (they are interchangeable) to choose from and you can select your coil (silver, gold, rose gold, and black). Inside, you will find beautiful, bright vertical layouts with a single, blank column per day (the weekend days share a column space). The pages have artful designs and fancy lettering. In addition to their planners, they also carry a variety of planner supplies and accessories. Find them on IG at @toriartisplanners.

Specialty Planner
Prayers Planner. This Christian company sells a truly unique daily planner, the Prayorior (a cross between prayer and warrior) planner designed specifically for fostering a rich prayer life. The binding of the planner, which has a blue soft-cover and silver gilded edges, reminds me of a soft-cover bible. There are no monthly or weekly layouts for general planning. Instead, each page has specific prompts and reminders for remaining faithful and prayerful throughout the day, including spaces to track the times of the day you pray, and a variety of prayer categories to make sure you are keeping up with each concern. Each day you will also find a different scripture to ponder. The pages are undated, so while there are 365 daily pages, you can start at any time and use each page, even if you miss a day. You can also follow this company on IG @prayersplanner.
I Am the Real Pooh Shop. – This Etsy shop has a variety of faith-based planning supplies, including an o-ring coil-bound 2020 Faith Planner. It has a hard cover and includes monthly calendars as well as one-page weekly spreads that have small spaces to write in but are beautifully decorated. There are separate pages for bible study, time with God, notes and a prayer tracker. Note that I do not yet see one for 2021, hope they’ll put one out as their 2020 is a really unique and beautiful planner. Follow on IG @iamtherealpooh.
Ivory Paper Co. I featured this planner company in my first Resource Roundup article, but it makes the list this time with its new Budget Planner! If you are looking for a way to organize your finances and budget your money, this planner has everything you will need. Inside you’ll find a page for the year’s financial goals, “My Plan” for the year, savings goals, a subscription tracker, monthly calendar and plan, budget pages that allow for budgeting by month or by paycheck, monthly reflection pages, and transaction trackers. Like their other planners, these have silver, twin o-ring binding and hard chipboard covers in a variety of designs. Find them on IG @ivorypaperco.
Pocket of Money, LLC. Founded by a scientist with a PhD in Cellular and Molecular Medicine from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Dr. Maria James is also an expert in budgeting. She offers not one, but three different budgeting planners! The Financial Planning Roadmap 2nd Edition is a 12-month, undated planner that allows you to budget by paycheck or by the month. It includes monthly layouts, monthly budget analysis pages, a monthly budget template, and resources pages to help you understand financial management concepts as well as ways to tackle debt. The Business Goals Planner is designed to help you set and follow through on goals related to your business and comes with pages to help with business goal planning, marketing, and sales, along with 2-page, undated monthly spreads. Both of the planners are 7 x 9″, wire-bound books with hard covers and twin o-ring binding, and have 200 pages. The W.I.S.E Budget Box is a new product that contains a 90-day planner, financial stickers, saving and debt-tracking sheets, and access to Dr. James’ financial literacy portal (which includes courses, tools, resources, and templates that are designed to increase financial fitness and business knowledge). You can buy the box on a quarterly basis. With a 90-day planner, the book in this box set is smaller but still contains expense tracking, monthly budgeting, and other features. This company’s website also has links to Dr. James’ podcast and some free resources. Follow Dr. James on Instagram- @pocketofmoneyllc.

Stationery and Accessories
Villa Beautifful. This shop has a great array of planner accessories in sleek, modern designs. They sell pens, stickers, page markers, paper flags, disc-bound dashboard inserts, travelers notebook covers, pins, and monthly planning subscription boxes. IG- @shopvillabeautifful.
Candi Coated Glam Shop. This shop, with its lovely pink website, sells decorative and functional stickers, planner inserts, stationery, and cute accessories. Check out the store IG- @candicoatedglamshop or the entrepreneur’s IG- @plannerblackgirlmagic_melanin.
Meanie’s Planner Goods. This is a great place to shop for lots of stationery items, including super cute pens, decorative paper clips, washi tape, notepads, and crocheted planner COZYs (!). IG- @meaniesplannergoods.
Simone Jeweled Pens. As the name implies, this store obviously carries pens, but they also sell notebooks, pads and journals, paper and binder clips, sticker sets, scissors, sticky notes, highlighters, washi tape, and more! IG- @simonejeweledpenz.
Nikki Nicole Designz. This shop is devoted to “all things glam” and teacher supplies. She has classroom alphabets, printable educational materials and classroom décor, as well as printable and digital downloads for your planner. IG- @nikkinicoledesignz.
Plan in Purple. This sticker shop is owned by a Chilean planner lover who encourages us to “Expresa tu creatividad con stickers” (express your creativity with stickers). She does not have a web-based store, so to order her beautiful stickers (which she showcases on Happy Planner spreads), send her a direct message via Instagram – @plan.in.purple.
Minnie Rose Co. This etsy shop has great planner accessories, including washi tape, stickers, pen clips, pens, notepads, journaling cards, and even pens and jewlery! The shop will be opening for Black Friday with new products and sales. IG- @minnieroseco.
Hola! Mijas Bonitas. This Latinex stationery shop (whose name loosely translates to “Hello! My Lovely Girls”) has some of the most adorable and unique stickers designed by the owner. She has created several characters with different hair colors, textures, and skin tones, with outfits and themes that change according to the holiday or season (the Halloween ones were beyond cute). You can also find pens, notepads, and washi tape, all with the adorable “Mijas Bonitas” characters. Find them on IG @holamijasbonitas.
The Jewel Box and Isis Ella Jewels. Both of these stores are owned by the same owner. The first is a bi-monthly subscription box with stationery, planner, and scrapbooking supplies. The second is a planner shop which has some of the most creatively designed planner clips and charms I’ve seen on one site. IG- @Isis_ella_jewels.
IndyNIvy_Ink. This site has an amazing variety and amount of planner accessories. There are tons of stickers, sticker kits, dashboards, planner clips, and digital downloads. And, the female images on many of their products come in a choice of skin tones. IG- @indynivy_ink.
Scribbles by KP. This Etsy shop has great planner accessories. From pens and paper clips to adhesive pockets and sticky notes, these are truly functional planning items. IG @scribblesbykp.
Simply Me Kish. This site is a really cute sticker and planner accessory shop. It has a ton of stickers based on adorable doodled designs. They also sell sticker kits, paper clips, and planner charms. Their products come in nearly any theme you can think of- from holidays to movies. IG- @simplymekish.
Fancy Plans Co. If you follow YouTuber, @athomewithquita, you may already know that she has a planner accessories shop. Much like the beautiful sleek décor she features in her home (which, I’ll be honest, I drool at the beautiful way she has decorated her house!), her planner accessories are just as chic. Her shop is amazing and has everything from planner inserts and stickers, to exacto knives and craft tweezers. Her inserts come in just about any size you can imagine and will fit any planner that takes inserts (from ring to disc-bound). She even has stationery boxes! (Note that as of the date of this article, the shop was temporarily closed to catch up on orders). Follow her on IG- @fancyplansco.
Yay Day Paper Co. For those who prefer printing their own stickers and kits at home, this company is a dream come true. From stationery to stickers, this shop has downloads and printables to fit any need. They even have download subscriptions! I also appreciate that they give instructions for how to print and even provide suggestions on the type of printer you should use for this. IG- @yaydaypaper.
Planner Craving. This planner and stationery shop, which started on Etsy, is where you can find a ton of planning supplies that have been nicely organized by categories such as kits, budgeting, vinyls & dashboard, and minimal planning. Their stickers run from decorative to functional, and their dashboards come in either laminated pages or vellum. Check out their IG @plannercraving.
Justin Time Stationery. This Etsy store sells printable planner items in Spanish. In addition to printed planner inserts, which are in Spanish, they also have digital planners you can download which come in English as well. Their IG is @printablesjustintime.
Announce Divinely. This shop has a huge assortment of greeting cards for various occasions and holidays. They also sell party supplies such as balloons, confetti, and banners. Find them on IG @announcedivinely.
MELLOWWORKS. This eclectic Etsy shop sells a variety of home and stationery goods. In addition to mugs, mousepads, and tote bags, they carry a great collection of greeting cards, gift wrap, gift tags, notebooks, and journals. Find them on IG @mellowworksart.
Posterity Paper. This stationery store carries a wide assortment of greeting cards. As their tagline states, “This isn’t your grandmother’s stationery.” Their designs are modern with beautiful lettering. Find on IG @posteritypaper.
Paper Rehab. This company sells beautiful greeting cards, many of which feature and are geared toward women of color. The artwork is unique and sophisticated, and many carry the theme of promoting mental health and wellness. You can also find them on IG @paperrehab.
A Konscious Lifestyle. This Etsy store carries gifts and accessories including face masks in a variety of styles, mugs, and journals. Find them on IG @thekonsciouslifestyle.
Graphic Anthology. This stationery and gift company has an impressive collection of items in its shop including stickers, art prints, gift tags, mini cards, ornaments, pencils, notepads and planner pads. Their large array of gift cards also includes ones written in Spanish. Find on IG @graphicanthology.
Kwohtations. This shop, also on Etsy, boasts a variety of diverse and inclusive greeting cards and gift items including stickers, bandanas, tea towels, and more. Find on IG @kwohtations.
Greer Chicago. This online shop has an amazing collection of stationery, office supplies, and gift items. You can find everything from greeting cards and letter paper to fountain pens and vintage pencils. Find them on IG @greerchicago.
Our Heiday. This is another store with a variety of different products for those who like stationery, office supplies, gifts, and art. The shop carries greeting cards, gift wrap, planners, notebooks, and a variety of planning notepads. Look for them on IG @ourheiday.
Hija De Tu Madre. This shop, whose name translates roughly to “your mother’s daughter” (as in you are . . .), is a Latina fashion and accessories online store. In addition to jewelry, apparel, and gift items, the site also sells a good number of stickers, notepads, notebooks, and their “Muy Busy” planner, complete with Spanglish phrases. Find them on IG @hijadetumadre.
Izzy & Liv. If you’re looking for a store with a ton of products, from apparel to subscription boxes, this is a great place to shop. This shop has products in several categories, and has items for women, teens, and kids. In addition to apparel and gift items, they also carry journals and stationery. See their posts on IG @izzyandliv.
*Kaysi Creates. If you are looking for lots of beautiful sticker kits, sticker icons, and custom stickers, this site is a great place to help decorate your vertical layout planner. The shop has both decorative stickers and functional ones, including monthly budgeting sets that will make your budget pages beautiful. Follow them on IG for sales and new products- @kaysicreates.
*DEK Designs. This is another great shop for finding decorative elements for your planner. They have some of the most versatile sticker kit options of any site I’ve seen. Many of the sticker kits allow you to choose skin tone, planner size, and foil elements (which seriously make their stickers sparkle). In addition to sticker kits in styles such as fitness, fun, and holiday themes, they also sell some stationary items, planner covers, washi tape, and sticker albums. They also have monthly subscription boxes. Check them out on IG @dekdesigns.
Once again, I did my best to research shops that are owned by women of color and sell items related to planning and journaling. As I find more, I will add them to this webpage, so come back and see if there are new shops featured (check for the asterisk*). Hope it leads to some happy shopping!
Also, this list, as my prior one, is surely not exhaustive. Please leave a comment below if you know of other shops to include on these lists!
* As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you click a link and make any purchase on Amazon, I may receive a small commission at no charge to you which will help me maintain this website. 😊
** Images of planners and stationery items found on Pixabay.
© Plan On The Sunrise, Vidalia Patterson, 2020. No part (including, but not limited to articles, photographs, and graphics) of this site, PlanOnTheSunrise.com, may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the express permission of the copyright owner.

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